Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Give me a week, by the time I then should have a decision.
Too confused today and decided not to turn up.
Do I really have feelings for you? I'm confused.

Filled with too much uncertainties.
I can't even answer the question myself, too complicated. 
Stop blaming yourself and concentrate on your national exams this year. 

Gastric and flu,
felt so sleepy during lessons and nearly dozed off.

Thanks Peishan for your letter, and always being there.

Mr Cheng not here for art lesson today,
Joan's birthday today,


He came in and talked about some stuff again,
today is his last day in school and takecare.

Borrowed costume for RHD,
Ms Tan said our class must wear so...

Did corrections for English,
Tan Bee Wan for Science.

then english,♥™
did some corrections
The guys in our class so bad,
comparing height with her haha,
they said even xingxuan taller than her..

Went to Mr Yeo's office after school,
chosen for NDP this year,
didn't really wanted it as it's too troublesome.
Since I am in, I shall try.

200th post today :)

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