Friday, July 25, 2008

5-in-a-row o_O :DD

hahhas, today was like omg happy lurrrhs =D
got promoted somehow,♥
blur blur de me still can get promoted,
amazing uhhhs? =.=

today school was okay,
npcc was omg tiring la,
then science today,
last lesson, ms tan bee wan scolded us,
then made us stay-ed back like idk what,
saad, even e4 e5, n1, n2 i also nvr make them stay back,
you all e2, yet i still have to treat you all like
little kids -.-

i was like, freeeak-ed out,
gosh, this is what you think okeh,
whatever~~ cant be bothered =x
ROFL, anyway, now doing the P.W thingy lo
the group so lazy -.- everyone dnt want to anything leh :x
now doing, today vv tired

literature =D
mr tan was super uberly nice okays ^.^
yea, joan forgot her literature book,
i lent her mine,♥
then shared with huini the book,
when mr tan asked us to read the page,
he saw me without the book, hand-ed me his book :D
was at first shocked, hahahs♥
i was telling huini, is there a problem with him? LMAO,
so many people never bring, they also shared their books
with their partner, why mr tan nvr lend them his book eh?
anyway, THANKs :p

nothing else really,
ouhh ya, english,
imagine 3 teachers in one classroom T.T
ms chan, ms yip and mr paul,
looking at how our lessons are conducted,
omfg la, stress-ed lorh,
they sat behind me -.-

they left after 2periods,
woah, imagine, 2periods =.=
okay, was so fun, hahas, got the write story thing,
i wrote, ilove-d my hand-writing man =D♥

npcc was omg rewarding =D
hahhas, got my 3badges,rank :D
etc lurrrhs, YAY-ness finally ^.^♥♥
hahhs, hope my theory will turn up alright =s

finally 14, sweeeeet,
just wanna tell you i'll always be there for you,
thanks for always being there for me~!!

thanks for being such a great sir~!

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