Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Chinese was okay, was made to sit in front,
teacher said everyone to move in front anyway,
there's homework today..

P.E was okay, I think I shrunk.
Hahah measured height and weight.

Mr Melvin Cheng left, Art teacher.
Wonder who's the new teacher.
Shan Shan went to settle stuff with SY today.
Hopefully everything is alright already :)

SY said she's going to get a tattoo,
and try smoking...idk it's her choice right..

Mr Lee came over today from next class,
with that quite sweet but actually sour face,
asking us to keep quiet, it was funny lah.

Ms Tan showed us a video of carebears,
didn't know those creatures could talk. hahaha.
Our speakers not working well, so ended up not watching...

Maths was quite slack, revision and almost fell asleep.
Science was okay, went to the hall during second period bc no teacher.
Mr Gopal (DM) & Motar(?) was there. Hahaha.


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