Sunday, May 27, 2007


Results are not super but did not fail any so I guess it is not too bad?
There are also quite a few people who didn't do well,
need to start working for year end otherwise, sigh.


Anonymous said... me again... Minzi.
Just wanna tell you that your results are quite good actually.
SO you dont have to feel so sad about your results.
Hahas.and just wanna ask you if you can go to my bloggie to take my fren test?
cos i just wanna know that how much you know about me........
hahas.And ask others to take my fren test too....
Thnx.hope you can see my message here.

Anonymous said...

sr here....i thought i tool ur friend test liao???=)

Anonymous said...

i know de.
i forgot le mah...
so why you never update your blog lately?
Hope to see your new post soon.
hehes- my message sounds like a letter......... :)